How about you, have you ever liked a name then when you found out the meaning you didn't like it anymore?Do name meanings turn you off on a name?
I don't really care what the meaning of a name is. My husband and I chose names that we both liked and family names. We never ever ever took into consideration what the names meant. I really couldn't care less. A meaning has no impact on a child at all - it is the person that makes the name and not the name that makes the person.
Nope i don't really care what the name means if i like the name i like the name lol, the meaning isn't that important to me, since most peeps don't know the meanings of the names anyways. And what's wrong with the meaning of the name Kennedy, it means helmeted chief in Irish accordin to the baby book I have. What meaning have u heard of that u don鈥檛 like? Lol just wonderin.Do name meanings turn you off on a name?
No, not really, because how often is a person going to seriously go find the meaning of your own name? For example I like the name Diablo for a boy and I know MANY would strongly disagree with me because it means devil in spanish and perhaps they think it is stupid, but honestly the boy himself is going to make his own meaning to his name.Do name meanings turn you off on a name?
Yes! We loved Kennedy for a girl but thought it meant "Helmet head" And changed our mind. I've done some research since then and actually found out it means "Helmeted chief" as in a leader so it's not bad anymore. I also don't like Madison for a girl strictly because it means "the son of a woman named Maud"
Good Luck %26amp; God Bless!
I think if i REALLY liked the name it would not matter, but its nice to like both the meaning and the name......My sons name is Emanuel, and we knew his father was going to be out of the country when he was gonna be born, so the meaning of "God with us" was great!
I always thought my name was pretty cool (Fabiola), then I figured out it means bean, I still think its pretty cool... :-)
Yes, I loved Brandon 'till I found this:
The boy's name Brandon \b-ran-don, br(a)-ndon\ is pronounced BRAN-den. It is of Old English origin, and its meaning is "broom, gorse hill". Transferred use of the surname and place name. In some cases, a variant of the less popular Brendan.
Oh no! I like the name Cameron too!!
But yes I've seen some cute boys names and the meanings are coal worker or whatever and that puts me off completely!!
For example I really like the name Tyler for a boy but its meaning is a TAILOR!! And not sure how I feel about that!
no, because the name meaning doesn't affect anyone in their daily lives. name meanings don't really matter. as long as you like the name and it flows well with your last name, then go ahead and use it! :)
Yes, very much so.But, then the opposite is sometimes true.Like, Tellulah I read means water flowing(birth loosely translated).So, then I didn't hate "that" much.
not really. I like it mostly for how it sounds, not what it means. Your child defines the name, not what a book states it is.
Love Mallory but hate it's meaning (Luckless), so it's a no go for me. I only do that with really bad meanings though. I don't know if crooked nose would have stopped me.
name meaning do turn me off. and yes ive seen a meaning and decided againts the name.
YES! I have to like the name and the meaning. They are equally important to me.
nooo i usually like the names by the meaning of it i named my kids with meanings
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