Thursday, February 9, 2012

Alternate meanings for the name Marie?

We just found out that baby #2 is a girl and we're wanting to name her either Kaylee Marie or Kaylee Jo-Marie. Marie is a family name on both sides and not just a "filler" as some would say, but I hate the most common meaning, "bitter".

Do you know of any other origins and meanings for Marie??

Or know of a website where you can find multiple origins and meanings for the same name?

Thanks in advance!!Alternate meanings for the name Marie?
Yeah it's "Wished-for child"

Here's the link
The beautifulAlternate meanings for the name Marie?
My middle name is marie after my grandmother...and neither one of us are bitter...dont over think it, youll make yourself crazy...isnt marie short for Maria?Alternate meanings for the name Marie?
Merie(with this spelling) means happy.
Why worry about meaning? The name Kaylee-Jo Marie is beautiful. I know I sort of changed it...but, I sort of like Kaylee-Jo, as opposed to Jo-Marie. What do you think?
The girl's name Marie \m(a)-rie\ is of French origin. Variant of Mary (Latin) "star of the sea". Earliest English form of the name which was revived in the 19th century.
Marie is the French form of Maria, coming from the Hebrew name 'Miriam'. Namesakes include Marie Curie, Marie Claire and Mary Antoinette.


The name Marie is a baby girl name. The name Marie comes from the Hebrew origin. In Hebrew The meaning of the name Marie is: Variant of Mary: Wished-for child; rebellion; bitter.

Similar Names:

Earie ( Scottish )

Arie ( Hebrew )

Marie ( English )

Marie ( French )

Marie ( Hebrew )
I know what you mean. I have the name Mary...and Catherine as a middle name. Sometimes when I'm feeling bitter about something, I blame it on my name. I was born in Poland and my birth certificate says Maria, but my mother had it Anglicized when we arrived in America when I was 5 yrs. old. I don't really like Mary or Maria, but do like what my Polish relatives would call me....either Marisha or Marila (spelling not sure). I especially like do you like Kaylee Marisha?

it can mean..

star of the sea

or marie comes from the name mary wich means

sea of sorrow


wished-for child


lady of the sea
I only know of "bitter". This is the type of situation where I ignore the meaning, because I love Marie as a first name. I like Jo-Marie by the way, especially if you're not planning on having any more kids. If you are, then I would save Jo or Josephine for another little girl's middle name.
Go to - I think you'll be happy with what you read there. Be sure to click on the link to Mary, where everything is explained.
Looking up everything it looks like they are basing their meaning on it's latin root, regardless if it's an english, french, or hebrew names. babynames says it's a 'sea of bitterness' look at that, you thought you had a little bitterness and here you had a whole sea.

It's my middle name and I never knew it meant bitter, so I wouldn't worry too much about it. I've always thought it was a very pretty name, and feel bad for its reputation as filler. I may name any daughters I have Marie just to get it back on the map.


p.s. I loved the character kaylee on firefly the tv show :D
Marie (also spelled Maree) comes from the names Maria and Mary. It is a French name with the inherent meaning being bitterness, but the spiritual connotation is Consoled. The scripture verse for this name is Isaiah 2:11.
My middle name is Maree spelt this way. It is not as common but is pronounced the same.

Lauren Maree is my name and I love it.

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