Friday, February 10, 2012

Have you ever known caucasian people to give their daughter a Japanese first Name or middle?

since the names have meanings i was wondering if you know of anyone who has done that?Have you ever known caucasian people to give their daughter a Japanese first Name or middle?
We have a family friend that has a daughter named Suki Elizabeth. She has blonde hair and blue eyes. Her family is german/french, they don't have any connection to the Japanese culture or anything but they just loved the name and meaning. If I didn't know her and saw her name on paper or heard someone calling it out I would automatically think of an Asian girl.

I would do it as long as you loved the name. I mean not everyone boy named Connor is Irish or every Cohen is really Jewish. I don't think it should matter and personally I don't think you should be stereotyped based on your names. Like how some people automatically assume Preston and Ashley are stuck up and Peter is a nerd. I think the name becomes the person not the other way around.
My dad's friend was given John as a first name... but his middle name was Kamehameha (no joke) because his parents were in the military and he was conceived in Hawaii. Not Japanese (or a daughter) but it's close. It's not out of the question.

If someone were to give their daughter a Japanese name I would just make sure it's not TOO foreign... like, I wouldn't want a white girl named Haruhi to be made fun of in a class full of Maddies and Ashleys. Something like Mei would be pretty and still keep the Japanese spirit without being too in-your-face about it. But hey, if a name fits someone it fits.Have you ever known caucasian people to give their daughter a Japanese first Name or middle?
Personally, no. I do know one couple that decided to give their daughter a foreign name though. One little mixup though. They gave her a boy's name.

Poor kid. It wasn't THAT much of a foreign name either, the country they gave it from is like a 3 hour drive away so that's not fun.Have you ever known caucasian people to give their daughter a Japanese first Name or middle?
No personally I haven't known one but these days you can name your baby whatever you like and it will be accepted. Hey look at the people in Hollywood.

With love,

My middle name is Rei, and I'm about as white as white gets (English and Swedish, with some German, Irish, and Scottish thrown in). It means polite/well-behaved. XD
no you see the Japanese are really robots waiting to invade Taiwan
One of my sister's friends name is Yukimi, and she is VERY white.
yes dear,just google it.

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