Monday, February 6, 2012

What is the meaning of the Bengali name "Shayak"?

The spelling is an approximation and may be "Shayok", "Sayak" or "Sayok".

I have looked up the zillion name/meanings sites including babynames et al. I dont need to know about "shalak", or any such names substituting the middle syllable.

Those who dont like the name can refrain from commenting here. If you don't know the meaning or can't be helpful, get your 2 points elsewhere - I dont need your junk cluttering my mail.

Thanks to those who CAN help here!What is the meaning of the Bengali name "Shayak"?
shayak- a males name

shayok-is not part of the bengali names

sayak-male name Means [kind and thoughtful to others]

sayok-not a name,

email me on how the site isWhat is the meaning of the Bengali name "Shayak"?
male name


  1. my name is Shayak......n its meaning is ARROW ...there maybe other meanings...but the meaning i know is ARROW

  2. My name is Sayak.It means Arrow
